When I was up in Sebastopol and Forestville recently I came across two bakeries, each wonderful in their own way.
Early in the morning, just before I walked up to Florence Avenue to see Patrick Amiot's art (see previous post), I tracked down Patisserie Angelica, a bakery that I had heard about for some time. I wandered around lost a bit because it's a little difficult to find. When you get to the Whole Foods in downtown Sebastopol look east and you'll see a nondescript A-Frame building (the address is 6821 Laguna Park Way). That's Patisserie Angelica.
Step inside and you're in a different world -- a Parisian type of world. The display case of cakes and pastries is a jewel box of treats. I love almond

A few hours later, I headed up the winding old Cazadero Highway out of Monte Rio on the Russian River.
The goal was Raymond's, a totally different type of bakery than Patisserie Angelica. People drive from miles around for Raymond's breads, pizza and focaccia served in a cozy, neighborly atmosphere in a spot in a curve of the road, nestled under tall redwood trees. The old logging town of Cazadero is a mile away. I loved the rustic-style mushroom-onion-olive focaccia, pillowy and baked crisp, and friends in Forestville raved about the Italian ciabatta loaf I brought them that evening. Raymond's would be an ideal place for picnic supplies when you're on your way to Jenner or other spots on the north Sonoma coast but call ahead because their hours are limited. It's only open three days a week: Fridays, Saturday and Sundays. On Fridays, Raymond's stays open until 9 p.m. but on weekends it closes at 3 p.m. and some breads or pizzas sell out earlier than that so call ahead to make sure they have what you're after (I took the photo above at left at 1 p.m. on a Saturday and some of the shelves were already bare).